Homeopathy – What is it, anyway?

Do you want to learn more about this “Homeopathy” thing?

You’ve likely heard about this “thing” called Homeopathy.  Some people swear by it.  Some people spit at it.  Some people say it’s a vigorous and effective system of healing.  Some people say it’s fraudulent pseudo-science and that you’re endangering yourself and others by using it.

So, which is it?  Is it either?  Is it neither? 
What’s the big deal?  Why should I care?

Ever since Samuel Hahnemann discovered Homeopathy in Germany 200 years ago, it’s been a thorn in the side of rational, scientifically-minded men.  It’s like an itch that you just can’t scratch.  Or the buzzing of a mosquito late at night when you’re tired and desperately trying to fall asleep. It just won’t go away, no matter how hard you try.

By all accounts, Homeopathy shouldn’t work.
The problem is that it does.

Think of it this way:  if Homeopathy really does work, all the work, all the study, all the efforts, all the hopes, all the faith, and all the trillions of dollars that doctors and nurses and researchers and governments and societies and people and parents have put into Conventional Medicine were wasted because they were wrong.

I disagree!
I think that Homeopathy AND Conventional Medicine can live very nicely beside each other.
One day, they might find out they have a lot more in common than they thought possible.
They might even become friends.

I remember the first time I ever experienced that “little nothing” work.   It completely blew my mind.  To be honest, I tried it out of sheer desperation.  The doctors told me that “colic is normal.  She’ll out grow it”.  Yah, right.  They obviously never had to deal with an screaming child doing an uncanny Satan impression for hours and hours on end, day after day at the expense of her mother’s sanity.  So, I tried it.  I thought, “Well, I’ve got nothing to lose.  At least, it won’t do any harm.”  I gave her one teeny pellet of a remedy (to be honest, I can’t remember which one).  One moment, I had a colicky baby sprouting horns who delighted in waving a pitchfork dipped in acid while screaming incomprehensible curses at me in Parseltongue.  Five minutes later, she was fast asleep as if she were an Angel sent down directly from Heaven.

She needed the remedy a few more times.  In less than a week, the colic was gone. Gone!!! I was able to reclaim my sanity AND spend time with my daughter without having my nerves stretched so tight I thought they’d snap at any moment.  I had my life back.

It worked for me.


It’s worked for millions of real people in every corner of the World.
Epidemics, acute diseases, chronic diseases, incurable diseases,
you name it.
Is there something more to all this?
Or have all these people gone completely bonkers?


Are you interested in learning more?
Are you interested in making up your own mind?

I’m offering a series of three workshops to discuss the fundamental differences between Homeopathy and Conventional Medicine.  The topics we’ll discuss are: 1) the Vital Force, 2) Disease, and 3) Fever. 

These workshops are designed to help you understand the differences between Conventional Medicine and Homeopathy, and why these differences are so contentious in the minds of the current scientific paradigm.

These workshops offer solid information gleaned from elite scientific journals (not just medicine), as well as anecdotes from private practice, both mine and those of my colleagues.

These workshops are a fit for you if:

– you’re curious about learning something completely different,
– you understand that Conventional Medicine is one way of looking at the world.  It isn’t the only way,  AND/OR
– you can behave yourself in public.

These workshops are not a fit for you if:
– you already know everything about everything,
– you want to prove to a room full of strangers how smart you are, AND/OR
– you can’t attend both the evening and the afternoon portions of the workshops.

You can take one class.  You can take two.  You can take all three.  I’d recommend you take all three – each successive lecture builds on the previous one. Besides, the classes are fabulous, and you won’t get this quality of information anywhere else.

Many of your beliefs about healing, health, and the current medical/scientific paradigm will be challenged. I ask that you come with an open and inquisitive mind, be respectful, and ask lots of questions.

The Details:

October 19 & 20, 2018
Vital Force

November 16 & 17, 2018

January 18 & 19, 2019

Friday evening: 7pm- 9:30pm
Saturday afternoon: 2pm – 5pm

St. Boniface Catholic Church
9510 – 101 Avenue

Fee: $50/class

Light refreshments will be served on the Saturday class

Seating is limited to 12 participants.
No children or pets.

You will be asked to turn your cellphone off for the duration of the Workshop.

Please register so I can plan accordingly: elisabeth@purehomeopathy.me

PS:  Just to be 100% clear:  I am not a board-certified Physician in the Province of Alberta. The information presented in this workshop is designed to help you make informed decisions about our health.  It is not intended as a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor.

I strongly advise you to speak with your board-certified Physician before making any changes to your diet and/or medications.

Elisabeth Scholtz
Pure Homeopathy

It’s wonderful to be genuinely coming back to a state of well-being after decades of compromised health, particularly via my experience of the auto-immune digestive disease called ulcerative colitis.

Kel Wil (aka Kellita) showgirlawakening.com