
The Medical Observer – Samuel Hahnemann – 1825

In order to be able to observe well, the medicinal practitioner requires to possess, what is not to be met with among ordinary physicians even in a moderate degree, the capacity and habit of noticing carefully and correctly the phenomena that take place in natural diseases, as well as those that occur in the morbid states artificially excited by medicines when they are tested upon the healthy body, and the ability to describe them in the most appropriate and natural expressions.

How Homeopathy is like a Dog

Caught your attention, did I? Yes, Homeopathy is very similar to dogs (or cats, for that matter). There are many different kinds of dogs: dogs that bark, dogs that bite, 3-legged dogs, and lap-dogs. There are dogs that fit into purses, and there are dogs who eat dogs that fit into purses. In fact, when …Read More


What is 18/6? It is the easiest, cheapest, and most effective thing you can do to improve drastically your over-all health, prevent cancer, diabetes, stroke, and your boost immunity to infectious diseases. Simply put, you restrict your eating to a 6 hour period a day and fast for the next 18 hours. 18/6 is not …Read More